rdav 0.1.1
- added dependency to R >= 4.1.0
rdav 0.1.0
- no warning of wd_mkdir when dir exists
rdav 0.0.9
- small fix in wd_upload (avoid creating nested dir)
rdav 0.0.8
- check for NULL path
- added unit tests (testthat) with mock responses
rdav 0.0.7
- added vignette
- improved documentation
rdav 0.0.6
- handle special chars in filenames
- minor improvements
rdav 0.0.5
- wd_connect accepts now a password
- wd_copy / wd_move have now a overwrite parameter (default TRUE)
- refactored wd_dir, wd_isdir - parsing of xml uses namespaces
rdav 0.0.4
- on up-/download files the target can be a folder
- wd_isdir get's a "silent" parameter
rdav 0.0.3
- dropped direct dependency on dplyr, tidyr, tibble
- added content-type column to dir data.frame
rdav 0.0.2
- check connection on wd_connect()
- added last modified column to file dataframe
- improved documentation
- added examples
rdav 0.0.1
- initial version
- provides base functionality