simplaceUtil 0.7.0
- transformLayeredData can take now arbitrary separator
- transformLayeredData now works on variable names that contain the separator multiple times
simplaceUtil 0.6.9
- output filenames vector named by output ids
- enhance functions to return penalty values when parameters outside boundaries
simplaceUtil 0.6.8
- get output filenames
- automatic facets for layered data plots
- methods to fetch SimComponent list and SimVariabes documentation from Website
simplaceUtil 0.6.7
- fixed creation of solution stubs from data
- updated documentation
simplaceUtil 0.6.6
- renamed functions for creating solution stubs from data
- improved variable creation for code stubs
simplaceUtil 0.6.5
- Create resource and interface stubs from CSV or XML file structure
simplaceUtil 0.6.4
- removed resultToDataFrameExpanded as one can use resultToDataframe from simplace package
- functions to add CSV outputs, change output type from memory to csv and vice versa
simplaceUtil 0.6.3
- replacement of variables is more strict
simplaceUtil 0.6.2
- small bugfix when creating solution outputs
simplaceUtil 0.6.1
simplaceUtil 0.6.0
- first draft of a vignette
simplaceUtil 0.5.2
- bugfix in shiny app when no standard installation dir found
simplaceUtil 0.5.1
- function to add timing elements to a solution
simplaceUtil 0.5.0
- function to create XML and Java code stubs from variables table
simplaceUtil 0.4.4
- preserve DOCTYPE of sol.xml
- units and description are optional for user variables
simplaceUtil 0.4.3
- variable and input values can be arrays
- bugfix in description modifications
simplaceUtil 0.4.2
- modification are recorded in the description tag
- added function to swap sim components
simplaceUtil 0.4.1
- added functions to set input values of a solution
simplaceUtil 0.4.0
- added functions to modify a solution
simplaceUtil 0.3.5
- avoid errors during plots when switching output
simplaceUtil 0.3.4
- include CSV outputs for display / plot (if files exist)
simplaceUtil 0.3.3
- plot multiple simulation ids
- check if layered values exist before layer plot
simplaceUtil 0.3.2
simplaceUtil 0.3.1
- get correct neighbourhood for multiple components
- option to take the union or intersection of neighbourhoods
simplaceUtil 0.3.0
- multiple select of components for graphs
- highlight selected components
- fix filtering of links table
simplaceUtil 0.2.2
- improvements and corrections to plot outputs from csv
simplaceUtil 0.2.1
- use ggplot2 for plots
- refactored code
simplaceUtil 0.2.0
- add interfaces to component and link dataframes
- optionally display components in graph
- plot multiple variabel into one diagram
- add help panel to shiny app
simplaceUtil 0.1.2
- select date range for plots
- plot array values as filled contour
simplaceUtil 0.1.1
- use also array values from memory output
simplaceUtil 0.1.0
- show plots of memory results
- changed status to beta version
simplaceUtil 0.0.6
- enhanced display of solution graphs (linking from and to panel)
simplaceUtil 0.0.5
- display memory output also when running project
- smaller bugfixes
simplaceUtil 0.0.4
- create & run simulation when memory output exists
- display memory output
- filter graph by components
- sortable, paged tables
simplaceUtil 0.0.3
- set simplace folders and run simulations
- display component and link table
simplaceUtil 0.0.2
- add experimental shiny app
simplaceUtil 0.0.1
- alpha version, proof of concept